How to add an asset?
- Click on “Finance” from the main dashboard.
- Click on “Assets”.
- Click on “Add Asset” at the top right of the page.
- Add the required details as below:
- Name: The name of the asset as it shows in the finance reports and chart of accounts.
- Currency: The asset currency.
- Purchase Date: the date of purchasing the asset.
- Main Account: choose between many main accounts that represent the asset. <Note: to add the main account please review the “Add New Account“ tutorial>
- Location: Enter the address or the location of the asset which is used for the unmovable assets such as lands and estates.
- Purchase Account: Select the account that represents the debtor side in purchasing the asset.
- Current Value: It is the value that will be stored at the date of adding the asset in the account. <Note: the system update the current value of the asset automatically to the same as the purchase value with the ability to modify it, the current value of the asset goes to the next deprecation account at the adding date>
- Salvage Value: Add the value that is expected to salvage at selling the asset.
- Description: Describe generally the specifications of the asset.
- Add the required details of the deprecation account as below:
- : Enter the date of running the asset to start the deprecation account.
- : Enter the end date of the deprecation account.
- : select the way of the deprecation as below:
- Fixed Amount: This deducts fixed value from the asset when the deprecation starts.
- Percentage: This calculates the deprecation value as a percentage from the asset current value to be deducted from the deprecation time.
- Fixed Units: This selects the maximum number of units that the asset will be deprecated with.
Note: For more info, please review the “Assets Deprecation” tutorial.