About Employee Roles for Users
“Employee Roles” let you select which modules, pages or actions you wish to give an employee, who is a “User” of the system, access to and which you do not, in case the user has access to the system.
They let you grant or deny permissions or privileges according to the “Role” that you set. Using the “New Employee Role” page, you can check or uncheck checkboxes to determine the allowed/ denied actions in that Role.
- For instance, you wouldn’t want “Staff” to generate or approve pay runs and payslips; that’s the HR job, so you would uncheck these checkboxes in a role called “Staff”. However, you might wish to allow your staff members access to only view their own payslips, so you would check the “View Payslip” checkbox.
To add a new user employee role
- Select “Employees” from the navigation menu.
- Select “Manage Employee Roles“.
- Click the button “New Employee Role“.
- Input the “Name” of the Employee Role. (For instance, “Managerial”).
- Check or uncheck the checkbox “Is Admin?“.
- Start granting or denying access to modules or certain actions within modules based on the role using the checkboxes.
- Note that you can simply check the main module’s checkbox if you wish to allow the user with this role access to the whole module instead of checking checkboxes separately.
- (i.e. check the “Sales” checkbox for instance to find all the checkboxes under “Sales” checked).
- Note that you can simply check the main module’s checkbox if you wish to allow the user with this role access to the whole module instead of checking checkboxes separately.
- Click “Submit” once you’re done.