To add a bundle product's stock manually
- Select “Inventory” from the navigation menu.
- Select “Products & Services“.
- Select the bundle product you wish to view add a stock transaction to.
- Click the button “Add Transaction“.
- Input the transaction’s details
- Quantity: Select the Quantity Type “Add” using the drop-down menu and input the amount accordingly.
- Unit Price: Input the bundle product’s buying price and select its currency.
- {The field is automatically filled based on your previous choice of addition or detraction in case the purchase and selling price are pre-saved in the product’s file.}
- Movement Date: Set the date of the stock movement {Set as the current date by default}.
- Time: Set the time of the stock movement {Set as the current time by default}.
- Transaction Type: Input the type of transaction.
- Note that the transaction type is the name of the transaction and will be stored on the system for future use.
- Notes: Add related notes of the transaction.
- Warehouse: Select the warehouse that will be impacted by the stock transaction.
- Note that there has to be more than one warehouse on the account in order for the warehouse drop-down list to be displayed.
- For more information, please refer to the tutorial “Adding a Warehouse”.
- Note that there has to be more than one warehouse on the account in order for the warehouse drop-down list to be displayed.
- Journal Account: Select the account that will be impacted by the stock transaction.
- “Deduct the Components from Stock” Checkbox: Check to deduct the bundle item composing products’ quantities from stock automatically; checked by default.
- Click “Save“.