To edit the auto-numbering sequence of transactions and inputs
- From “Settings” in the menu on the left, go to “Auto Number Settings“.
- You will find a navigation menu on the left for the elements you wish to edit their numbering sequence [Clients, Invoices, Estimates.. etc.]
- Choose the element you wish to edit.
- Edit the desired inputs
- Current Number: Views the current auto-number of the chosen element, system starts counting after that number, you can edit this number and its Format from the drop-down menu next to it, choose from (Numeric, hex numbers, letters, or letters followed by digits).
- Number of Digits: the number of digits of the current number, for example if it’s set to “3”, the current number will start counting from (001, 002, 003, ..).
- Add Prefix: Tick that box if you wish to add a certain prefix to the numbering sequence, hover over the tooltip next to it to learn more about the types of prefixes you can add. The prefix you choose will be fixed as the auto-numbering sequence changes.
- Require Unique: Tick that box if the numbering sequence should be unique and never repeats for any item.
- Click “Save” once you’re done.