About Attendance Restrictions
As an HR user of the system, you can use “Attendance Restrictions” to further restrict and apply conditions on employees’ attendance registration as they take their own attendance.
Attendance Restrictions Types
- IP Address-Restricted
- The system restricts the network of the attendance registration by only accepting an IP address or a set of IP addresses to be logged in from by the employee, hence, denies other IP addresses, considering the attendance entry to be invalid.
- Location-Restricted
- The system restricts the location of the attendance registration by only accepting a location that you specify by pinning on Google Maps, where the employee has to be present or around by a certain range of distance that you can specify as well. Otherwise, the attendance entry is considered invalid.
- Image-Restricted
- The system restricts the attendance registration by requiring the employee to capture a photo of themselves. Otherwise, the attendance entry is considered invalid.
Required or Optional
Activating the Attendance Restriction, you can use all, one or more of all the restrictions to be set as required at the same time or set a restriction(s) as optional, in which case, at least one of the “Optional” restriction conditions needs to apply (besides the mandatory restriction(s)), then the system considers the attendance entry to be valid.
- For instance, if you set the IP Restriction as “Required”, and the other two restrictions, the Location and Photo Restrictions, set as “Optional”, for the attendance entry to be considered valid, the IP restriction condition needs to apply, and only one of the other two “Optional” restrictions needs to apply, either the location or the photo.
Adding an Attendance Restriction
- From the navigation menu, select “Attendance“.
- Select “Settings“.
- Click the card “Attendance Restrictions“.
- Click the button “New Attendance Restriction“.
- Input the Attendance Restriction Information
- Name: Input the attendance restriction’s name.
- Status: Select the attendance restriction’s status using the drop-down menu; Active or Inactive.
- Set the required attendance restrictions
- Restricted by IPs
- “Set the Allowed IPs to Sign” Checkbox: Checked by default, allowing the IP Restriction to apply – unchecking the checkbox deactivates the restriction.
- Validation: Select the Validation using the drop-down menu; Required or Optional.
- Required: Selecting “Required” makes the IP restriction mandatory and requires it for a valid attendance entry.
- Optional: Selecting “Optional” makes the attendance entry valid when the IP restriction or other “Optional” restrictions apply.
- Allowed IPs: Input the IP Address(es) you wish to restrict the employee’s attendance to.
- Note that multiple IP Addresses should be input on separate lines each.
- Restricted by Location Range
- “Set the Attendance Location Range” Checkbox: Checked by default, allowing the Location Restriction to apply – unchecking the checkbox deactivates the restriction.
- Validation: Select the Validation using the drop-down menu; Required or Optional.
- Required: Selecting “Required” makes the Location restriction mandatory and requires it for a valid attendance entry.
- Optional: Selecting “Optional” makes the attendance entry valid when the location restriction or other “Optional” restrictions apply.
- Location:
- Click the button “Show Map“.
- Enable Location Action using the pop-up by clicking “Allow“.
- Pin the required location using the map.
- Range of the Sign: Determine a distance range from the specified pinned location in which case attendance entries are considered valid.
- Input a numeric range distance in the required unit of measure.
- Select the Range unit of measure using the drop-down menu from Kilometers or Meters.
- Restricted by Employees Photos
- “Take the Employees Photos” Checkbox: Checked by default, allowing the Photo Capture Restriction to apply – unchecking the checkbox deactivates the restriction.
- Validation: Select the Validation using the drop-down menu; Required or Optional.
- Required: Selecting “Required” makes the Employee Photo restriction mandatory and requires it for a valid attendance entry.
- Optional: Selecting “Optional” makes the attendance entry valid when the photo restriction or other “Optional” restrictions apply.
- Restricted by IPs
- Click “Save” once done.
Be noted that
- At least one of the three attendance restrictions needs to be activated using the checkbox for the restriction to be successfully added.
- Employees need to be registered on the system as “Users“.
- Attendance Restriction activation in each employee’s profile is required to take effect, for detailed steps, please refer to the next section.
Activating Attendance Restriction in Employees' Profiles
To apply the attendance restriction as employees take their own attendance, activation of the restriction in the employee’s profile is required.
- From the navigation menu, select “Employees“.
- Select “Manage Employees“.
- Click the employee you wish to apply the attendance restriction to.
- Click the button “Edit“.
- In the employee’s “Attendance Information” section, select the “Attendance Restriction” to be applied using the drop-down menu.
- Click “Save” once done.
In case you wish to add a new employee, please refer to the tutorial “Adding a new Employee” for more details.