To set an appointment with a client through their invoice
Setting an appointment with a client is best used with reservations; the client receives an email to remind him of the appointment’s date/time and location.
- Select “Sales” from the navigation menu.
- Click “Manage Invoices”.
- Select the invoice you wish to schedule an appointment from.
- Click the button “More Options”.
- Click “Schedule Appointment” using the drop-down menu.
- Input the appointment’s details
- Date: Set the date of the appointment.
- Time: Set the time of the appointment.
- Duration: Input the duration of the appointment.
- Actions: Select the appointment’s action (purpose) using the drop-down menu.
- To add, edit or remove an action, please refer to the tutorial “Editing Appointment Actions List”.
- Notes: Add related appointment notes.
- “Share With Client” Checkbox: Check to share the appointment with the invoiced client.
- Note that access to view an appointment needs to be enabled in Client’s Permission Settings in order for the client to be able to view the appointment.
- For more information, please refer to the tutorial “Client Settings“.
- Note that access to view an appointment needs to be enabled in Client’s Permission Settings in order for the client to be able to view the appointment.
- “Recurring” Checkbox: Check to set this appointment as recurring.
- Frequency: Select the frequency of the recurring appointment using the drop-down menu.
- Date: Select the date on which the appointment will start recurring from using the calendar.
- “Assign to staff members” Checkbox: Check to assign the appointment to a staff member to be in charge of it.
- For more information on adding staff members, please refer to the tutorials “Adding a new User” and “Adding a new Employee“.
- Click “Save”.