To Take/Spend Cash out Using The POS Screen
- Select “POS” from the navigation menu.
- Click “Start Selling“.
- Click “Owner“.
- Select “Take Cash Out” from the drop-down menu.
- Input the transaction information
- To: Select “Staff” in case the cash was taken out to one of the staff members or “Treasury” in case it is the last use of the session using the drop-down menu.
- Note that the following field changes according to your choice between Staff or Treasury.
- In case of selection of “Staff“.
- Select the “Staff” member using the drop-down menu of added employees/users on the system.
- In case of selection of “Treasury“.
- Select the “Treasury” using the drop-down menu of added treasuries on the system.
- In case of selection of “Staff“.
- Note that the following field changes according to your choice between Staff or Treasury.
- To: Select “Staff” in case the cash was taken out to one of the staff members or “Treasury” in case it is the last use of the session using the drop-down menu.
- Input the amount’s information
- Amount: Input the amount of spent cash.
- Note: Add notes as required
- Date: Automatically set to the current date and time.
- Click “Confirm“.
- For more information on tracking cash in or out, please refer to the tutorial “Viewing Cash Movements“.