
Adding Multiple Addresses for a Client and the Possibility of Selecting one of them in the Invoice

The system allows the addition of multiple addresses for a client, with the ability to choose any of these addresses for each of their invoices. You can also add a new address directly within the invoice screen when creating it.

Enabling the Multiple Addresses Option for Clients

Click on “Client Settings” from the dropdown under “Clients” in the main menu, then click on the “General” tab.

Activate the “Multiple Addresses” ✅ feature, then click on the “Save” button.

Adding the Client's Default Address

Click on “Add New Client” from the dropdown under “Clients” in the main menu, and enter the address details found within the client’s data. Complete the data and save if you are satisfied with having one address for the client.

This address is treated as the default even if more than one address is added for the client.

Adding Multiple Addresses for the Client

In the same customer addition screen, under client details, click the add button next to “Addresses List” (+), enter the additional addresses you want, complete the information, and then click the “Save” button.

Selecting the Client Address in the Invoice

Click on “Create Invoice” in the dropdown menu under “Sales” in the main menu, choose the client to whom you have added more than one address, and select the address you want to attach to this invoice. Complete the information and then click the “Save” button.