Adding a Treasury

  • Click on “Finance” from the main menu.
  • Click on “Treasuries & Bank Accounts”.
  • Click on the button “Add Treasury”.
  • Provide the required treasury details:
    • Status: Choose “Active” to activate the vault or “Inactive” to disable it.
    • Treasury Name: Enter the treasury’s name as you want it to appear in the software’s lists and windows.
    • Description: Add a general description about the nature or purpose of the treasury.
    • Permissions:
      • Deposit: From the dropdown menu, select the deposit permission in the treasury for a specific staff, role, specific branch, or everyone.
      • Withdraw: From the dropdown menu, select the withdrawal permission from the treasury for a specific staff, role, specific branch, or everyone.

Note: Upon saving, a subsidiary account for the vault will be added within the Chart of Accounts and will be listed under:

Assets > Current Assets > Cash.