
Adding a Document to a Workflow

What does adding a Document to a Workflow mean?

You can add multiple workflows to your system, such as a workflow for car sales contracts, and a workflow for car rental contracts. Within a single workflow, there are many documents related to this workflow, like car sales contract number (1) and car sales contract number (2). You are allowed to perform various operations on each file within the workflow independently.

Adding a Document in a Workflow Cycle

  1. From the main menu, click on “Workflows”.
    • Note: If you want to add a second workflow, you will find workflows named after the first workflow type in the main menu. For instance, if the type of the first workflow is “Car Contracts”, the workflows will appear in the main menu as “Car Contracts”.
  2. Click on the button “Add Workflow” or, for example, “Add Car Contract”
  3. Proceed to input the document data, for which you can find an explanation of its default fields here, in addition to the custom fields that you add.
  4. Click the “Save” button.