
Adding a New Time Tracking Record

Note: Before you begin, make sure to activate the Time Tracking app in your account.

  1. From the main menu, click on “Time Tracking“.
  2. Click on “Time Tracking“.
  3. Click on the “new Entry” button.
  4. Enter the work time information as follows:
    • Project: Select from the dropdown menu the project you worked on
      • For more details on how to add a project, refer to the “Add New Project” guide.
    • Activity: Select the required activity from the dropdown menu
    • Time: You can enter the time spent working on the project in two ways:
      • Enter the time you spent working in the “Time” field, or
      • Use the “Stopwatch” to calculate the time taken while working on the project; click on the play button to start the timer, and you can press it again to temporarily stop the timer.
        • Click on the Reset Time button to reset the timer to “00:00”
          • Note: When using the stopwatch, you will not be able to use this screen for any other action until you finish calculating the work time.
    • Notes: Write any notes if available
    • Staff: Select the employee who worked on the project from the dropdown menu
  5. Click on the “Add” button.
  • Note: You can determine the date of the time tracking record by selecting the day and date from the calendar located at the top left of the screen.