
Adding Payment Credit to a Supplier

How to add payment credit to a supplier?

  1. From the main menu click on “Purchases
  2. Click on “Manage Suppliers
  3. View the required supplier file.
  4. Click on “Add Payment Credit” from the options located at the top of the data.
  5. Enter the required data:
    • Amount: Add the payment credit value for the supplier.
    • Date: Set the payment transaction date.
    • Payment Method: Choose the payment method to the supplier.
      • Note: Payment methods can be adjusted through account settings. For more details, refer to the “Payment Options” guide.
    • Treasury: Select the treasury or bank account from which the payment is made.
    • Payment Status: Choose one of the payment status options.
    • Collected by: Specify the user responsible for disbursing the payment to the supplier.
    • Reference Number (Ref No.): An identification number accompanying payment transactions (such as check numbers).
    • Payment Details: Any additional data related to the payment method to the supplier.
    • Receipt Notes: Add notes regarding the payment process.
    • Attachment: Option to attach an image of a document related to the payment.
  6. Click on the “Add Payment” button.
  • Note: Supplier payment credits can be distributed to outstanding invoices directly by disabling “Automatic Payment for Purchase Invoices.” For more details, refer to the “” guide.