
Production Plans Guide

Production plans help you link the invoice/sales order to the bill of materials created to manufacture the same product as the one on the invoice. As a result, the production plan automatically generates one or more manufacturing orders based on the bill of materials included in the production plan, making it easy to convert invoices/sales orders into manufacturing orders.

How to create a new production plan?

Click on “Production Plans” under “Manufacturing” in the main menu, then click on the “Add Production Plan” button.


Enter the production plan information:

  • Name: Enter a name for the production plan.
  • Code: This is a unique automatic number assigned to each production plan, generated by the system.
  • Date From: Enter the start date of the production plan.
  • Date To: Enter the end date of the production plan.
  • Client: Select the client associated with this production plan.
  • Employees: Choose the employees responsible for the production plan.
  • Description: Enter a description for the production plan.
  • Source Type: Choose the source of the production plan (the document it originated from) from the dropdown list, which could be either an invoice or a sales order.
  • Source ID: Select the invoice or sales order designated as the source for the production plan.

Enter the products information:

  • The product-related fields are usually filled in automatically based on the invoice data; the product and its quantity will appear directly, based on what you entered in the invoice that you selected as the source for this production plan.
  • The bill of materials associated with the product will automatically appear if it is a “default” bill of materials. If it is not a default, you can search to select one of the bills of materials assigned to the product selected in the invoice.

  • The product listed in the invoice/sales order will be strictly followed in the production plan if the setting “Add items to the production plan that aren’t in the sales order/invoice” is not activated. For more information about this setting, refer to the Manufacturing Orders General Settings Guide.
  • If the setting “Add items to the production plan that aren’t in the sales order/invoice” is activated, you can add other products to the production plan even if they are not listed in the invoice/sales order. For more information about this setting, refer to the Manufacturing Orders General Settings Guide.
    • To add new products, click the “+ Add” button and add the desired products along with the associated bill of materials for each product.

Save Production Plans

After entering the production plan information, click the “Save” button to save it permanently. As a result, manufacturing orders will be automatically generated from the production plan after saving.

Or click “Save as Draft” if you wish to delay the issuance of manufacturing orders.

When you want to convert the production plan from “Draft” to “Issued” to generate manufacturing orders, open the desired production plan file and click the “Issue” button.


Once the production plan is converted from “Draft” to “Issued,” you will not be able to revert it back to a draft.

Actions on the Production Plan

After saving the production plan, you can perform several actions such as:

  • Edit.
  • Clone.
  • Delete.
  • Setting a follow status for the production plan.
  • Adding a note & attachment.
  • Adding a manufacturing order to the production plan.
    • To add a new product to the manufacturing order that is not included in the invoice linked to the production plan, or to increase the quantity of a product included in the invoice beyond the amount stated in it, you must enable the setting “Add items to the production plan that aren’t in the sales order/invoice” and the setting “A production plan can have more quantities than a sales order/invoice” from the manufacturing settings. If these settings are not enabled, the following error message will appear: “You cannot select a product that is not included in the invoice / You cannot exceed the product quantity in the invoice.”.

You can also view:

  • Details of the production plan.
  • Manufacturing orders generated from the plan.
  • The production plan activity log to see the actions performed on the plan, who performed them, and when they occurred.

For more information on creating and adjusting manual status for production plans, refer to .

For more information on how to add a note & attachment to the production plan, refer to this guide.

For more information on how to add production plan custom fields, refer to .