Tracking a Product by Expiry Date
In a previous topic, we explained how to track a product by serial number and perform operations in the program. In this topic, we will perform the same task but with a single difference, and that is the tracking method. Instead of the serial number, it will be the expiration date. Specifically, in this topic, we will cover:
- Setting the expiration date from inventory vouchers.
- Setting the expiration date from a purchase invoice.
- The impact of activating inventory vouchers on adding an expiration date for a product from a purchase invoice.
- Issuing a product with an expiration date from a sales invoice.
- Adding a product with expiration date tracking to a point of sale invoice.
- Product tracking tables.
Adding a Product with an Expiry Date Tracking Method
Activating Product Tracking System in Inventory
Adding a New Product and Selecting the Tracking Type (Expiry Date)
After activating the product tracking feature, we can now add a new product and assign an expiry date to it as a tracking method.
First, go to “Inventory” from the main menu, then select “Products and Services,” press “Add,” and choose “New Product” as illustrated in the image.
Setting Expiry Date for Requisitions
The system allows you, when adding a new product through requisitions or adding a quantity to an existing product, to assign an expiry date to that product as a tracking method.
To set an expiry date for the product “Soft Drinks” using requisitions, click on “Inventory” from the main menu, then select “Manage Requisitions.”
Afterwards, click on the “Add” button and choose “Manual Inbound” from the dropdown menu, as shown in the image.
Setting an Expiry Date from the Purchase Invoice
You can assign an expiry date to the “Soft Drinks” product from its purchase invoice as a tracking method.
In the “Items” field, select the product “Soft Drinks” that you want to add to the purchase invoice with an expiry date. In the “Quantity” field, enter the quantity of the “Soft Drinks” product that you specified earlier.
Now click on “Save” button.
The Impact of Activating Requisition on Adding Expiry Date to a Product from a Purchase Invoice
When activating the “Enable Requisition for Purchases and Sales” option, the requisition becomes responsible for approving the issuance or receipt of purchases and sales, not the invoice.
In this case, if you have enabled the “Enable Requisition Purchases and Sales” option, you will need to add the expiry date to the purchase invoice from the inbound requisition related to the invoice. You can accomplish this by creating a purchase invoice for the product you want to track by expiry date.
Afterward, go back to “Inventory” from the main menu, click on “Manage Requisition,” and choose this purchase invoice to set the expiry date for its items for tracking purposes.
Issuing a Product with an Expiry Date from the Sales Invoice
You can issue a product with an expiry date from its sales invoice.
In the calendar field select the expiry date of the product “Soft Drink“
Complete filling in the remaining details on the invoice, then click on the ‘Save‘ button.
Stop Selling Expired Tracking Items
Click on “Sales Settings” under “Sales” in the main menu, then click on “General Invoice and Estimate Settings,” activate the setting “Stop Selling Expired Tracked Items,” and then click “Save.” This will prevent expired products from appearing automatically when creating an invoice.
Adding an item with an expiration date tracking system to a POS invoice
You can add items with an expiration date tracking system when creating an invoice from the point of sale. To successfully complete this task, you must first activate the option to allow adding products with a tracking system to the invoice. Then, enter the sales screen and select the items. Here’s how:
Activate 'Add Products with Tracking System to the Invoice'
Choosing a Product with Tracking System in the Sales Screen
Now, we begin the task of creating a sales invoice from the POS and adding products to it with an expiration date tracking system.
We continue the steps to create a sales invoice from the point of sale by clicking on ‘POS‘ from the main menu.
Then click on ‘Start Selling‘ to open a new sales session or go directly to an already open sales session.
From the Sales Screen choose the product ‘Soft Drink.’
A floating screen will appear, as shown in the following image, where we add the expiration date for the product ‘Soft Drink.’
Press the “Save” button, then proceed with the remaining steps to confirm and settle the invoice.
Tracking Stock Transactions Tables
The system provides a feature to review the transaction of tracked products in organized tables. This feature enables us to access the expiration date of a product and identify its purchase and sales invoices.
To view the transaction of the “Soft Drinks” product tracked by the expiration date, first, click on “Inventory” from the main menu, then click on “Product Tracking.” You will see a list of products with assigned tracking methods.
Choose from the displayed cards “Expiry Date.”
To view the details of the product movement, click on the “Stock Transaction” tab.
And thus, we have reviewed the movement of the product “Soft Drink“, identified its expiration date, and accessed its purchase and sales invoices.