Creating a Payslip
Payroll payslip, also known as a salary statement or payment receipt, is a document issued to a specific employee indicating their salary for a particular period. This document can be generated independently or from within the payroll processing system.
Note: Before you begin, make sure to activate the payroll app in your account.
Creating a Salary Payslip
- From the main menu, click on “Payroll“.
- Click on “Payslips“.
- Click on “New Payslip“.
- Enter the payslip details as follows:
- Employee: Choose the employee for whom you are creating the payslip.
- Posting Date: Choose the posting date for the payslip from the calendar.
- Start Date: Choose the start date for the payslip from the calendar.
- End Date: Choose the end date for the payslip from the calendar.
- Currency: Enter the currency in which you want to issue the payslip.
- Under the “Earning“ section, enter the payable components.
- Under the “Deduction“ section, enter the deductible components.
- Click the “Save” button.
Viewing a Payslip
- From the main menu, click on “Payroll“.
- Click on “Payslips“.
- Click on the desired payslip to view its details, and they will appear as follows:
- Details: A tab that contains information about the payslip with all its components.
- Attendance Sheet: A tab that includes all the information about the employee’s attendance record for whom a payment has been issued.
- Attendance Days: A tab that includes the detailed daily attendance record of the employee.
- Activity Log: A tab that includes all the actions taken on the payslip.
- Click on the “Approve” button located at the top right of the screen to approve the payslip and make it ready for payment.
- Click on the “Edit” button above the tabs to make any additional modifications to the payslip.
- Click on the “Delete” button to delete the payslip.
- Note: You cannot “Edit” or “Delete” any payslip that has been approved. To make any modifications or deletions, click on the “Unapprove” button first, then make the required adjustments or proceed with the deletion.