
Hiding the Average Cost from the Employee

The system allows you to add users with different permissions based on the employee role for each of them. Among these permissions is the employee’s access to data such as “average cost price” for products. In this article, we will explain how to control these permissions to hide this data from certain users.

How to hide the Average Cost from an Employee

The average cost of products appears in the product file for the admin or the user who has full inventory management permissions.

However, you can revoke some inventory permissions from the user, which will hide the average cost from them.

Click on “Manage Employee Roles” dropdown from the “Employees” in the main menu, then click on the “Edit” button next to the employee role you want to restrict. Or when adding a “New Employee Role”.

Navigate to “Inventory Management” permissions, and make sure to deactivate the following permissions:

  • Add Requisition.
  • Edit Requisition.
  • Add New Purchase Invoice.
  • Edit & Delete All Purchase Invoices.
  •  Edit & Delete His Own (Created) Purchase Invoices.

Then click on the “Save” button.

Make sure to assign the employee role with the restricted permissions to the desired employee, then click on “Manage Employees”, then click on the user’s name, and then click on the button “Login as (username)”.

Then go to “Products & Services” dropdown from the “Inventory” in the main menu and click on any product to make sure the average cost of the products is hidden from this user.