
Viewing the Sales Session

Make sure first to enable the POS App on your account. 


  1. From the main menu click on “POS”.
  2. Choose “POS Sessions” from the menu.
  3. Click on the button to the right side of the required session and choose “View”.
  4. The system will display to you a summary of the session and cash movements:
    • Click on the “Close Session” button to close the opened session.
    • Click on the “Sales Screen” button to move to the session sales screen.
    • Click on the “Validate Session” button to make the final adjustments.
    • Click on the “Reopen Session” button to undo the action of closing the session.
    • Click on the “Unvalidate Session” button to undo the final adjustments of the session.
      • Note: All the previous actions might differ in their visibility or not according to the nature or the status of the session when viewing it.
      • After validating the session, the details of the journals generated by closing the session will appear at the top of the page.
  5. Click on the “Print” button to print the session details.
  6. Click on the “PDF” button to download the session data in a PDF file.