
Opening the Browser in Print Mode from POS

The open browser in print mode from POS feature allows you to streamline and speed up the process of printing invoices from within the POS. This feature is activated by downloading and installing the system’s print package. You can follow the steps in this guide to do so.

Steps to Download and Install the Print Package

Click on “Start Selling” from the dropdown under “POS” in the main menu to start a new sales session.

Click on “Owner” from the sales screen.

Then, click on “Reopen the Browser in Print Mode.”

You will be redirected to the screen for downloading the print kit.

Click on the “Download Printing Kit File” button and follow the instructions as shown in the image below.

After installing the kit, reopen the browser and log back into your account.

  • If the “Display Print Window” setting is not activated with the “Printing Kit” installed, you will need to click on the “Print Last Invoice” button from the POS screen after confirming the invoice. This will open the Enerpize print window, and then you can click “Print” to print directly without the browser’s print window appearing.
  • If the “Display Print Window” setting is activated with the “Printing Kit” installed, the invoice will be printed directly after confirming it in the POS without any print windows appearing.

For more details on controlling the “Display Print Window” setting from the POS, refer to this guide.

For more details on how to hide print windows to print invoices from the POS immediately after confirmation, refer to this guide.