
Opening a new Sales Session

From here begins the POS management, where you can start sessions and create electronic invoices for your sales transactions which can be done by calling up the available products and services in your account with their detailed info.


Steps to open a new Sales Session

  1. From the main menu click on “POS”.
  2. Choose “POS Sessions” from the menu.
  3. Click on the “New Session” button.
  4. Select the “Shift” for the session.
    • Note: the software creates a shift by default and calls it “Main POS Shift” which gets chosen automatically in the “Shift” field with the possibility of changing the name of the shift or identifying a new shift in the list “POS Shifts”. For more info, check theAdding a new POS Shift guide.
  5. Select the “POS Device” for that session.
    • Note: the software creates a device by default which is called “Main POS Device” and it’s automatically selected in the “Device” field with the possibility of changing the name or identifying a new device in the list “POS Devices”. For more info, check the Adding a new POS Device guide.
  6. Click on the “Confirm” button.