
Prefilled Invoice Templates

With Enerpize software, you can create prefilled templates for invoices so that you can easily call up all the required data such as items, quantities, prices, discounts, etc. and create new invoices from them with ease, saving time and effort.

Creating a prefilled Invoice Template:

  1. Click on “Templates” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Prefilled Templates”.
  3. Click on the “New Template” button.
  4. Enter the following details:
    • Method: Select either “Send via Email” or “Print (Offline)” for the invoice that will be created from this template.
    • Client: Select the required client for this template from the dropdown menu.
      • You can click on the “New” button to quickly add a client to your account without detailed information. If you want to add the client with detailed information, refer to the Adding a Clientguide.
    • Payment Terms: Enter the number of days the invoice will be due according to the requirement.
    • Template Name: Enter the name of the prefilled template as required.
    • Select the invoice items by choosing the product or service recorded in the account, with the ability to search by name or code.
    • Select the discount and deposit payment details as required.
    • Enter the shipping details for the invoice as required.
    • Enter any notes and terms as required.
  5.  Click the “Save” button.
  • After saving the prefilled template, you can call it up from within the invoice creation screen to fill in all the data from it and quickly fill in the invoice details.

Calling up a prefilled Invoice Template:

  1. Click on “Sales” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Create Invoice”.
  3. Select the required prefilled invoice  template to use from the dropdown menu “Use Pre-filled Templates” at the top left of the screen.
  4. Modify the data as required.
  5. Click the “Save & Send Email” button to complete the invoice and save it to the system.
    • Note: You can change the action of the save button by clicking on the arrow on the right and choosing either “Save & Send Email” or “Save & Don’t Email”.