
Creating an Estimate

The system allows you to create a preliminary sales template that includes the details of your services or products with their estimated costs to potential clients. The client can then approve the sent estimate from their own account, and you can convert the approved estimate into a sales invoice.


  • Note: Before you begin, make sure you have activated the sales App in your account.

Steps to create an estimate:

  1. Click on “Sales” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Estimates”.
  3. Click on the “New Estimate” button.
  4. Select the method of saving the estimate, either “Send via Email” or “Print (Offline)”.
    • Note: The nature of the “Save” button at the end of the page changes according to this choice, either “Save & Print” or “Save & Send Email.”
  5. Select the client from the list of registered clients.
    • You can click on the “New” button to quickly add a client to your account without detailed information. If you wish to add the client with their detailed information, you can refer to the guide Adding a Client“.
  6. Select the items of the estimate by choosing the product or service registered in the account. You can also search by name or code.
    • You can click on the “New Product” button at the bottom of the list to quickly add a product or service.
      For more details, you can refer to the guideAdding Products and Services“.
  7. Add the selling price for each item and enter the desired quantity.
  8. Add a discount to a specific item from the estimate. Note that this option will only appear after enabling it from the General Invoice/Estimate Settings.
  9. Specify the tax for each item in the estimate. You can modify the tax name and percentage by clicking on the “Tax Settings” button.
    • Note: The program supports “Value Added Tax” (VAT) by default in the account, and it is applied based on the specific percentage considering the nationality or country associated with the account.
  10. Click on the “Preview” button to review the estimate before saving.
    • You can click on the “Edit” button within the preview page to go back to the estimate creation page or click on the “Save & Send Email” button to issue the estimate.
  11. Click on the “Save & Send Email” button to save the estimate in the system.
    • Note: You can change the action of the save button by clicking on the arrow on the left and choosing between “Save & Send Email” or “Save & Don’t Email”.