POS Sessions List

  1. From the main menu, click on “POS”.
  2. Click on “POS Session”.
  3. The software will display a list of sessions added to the account:
    • Click the ‘New Session’ button to start a new session on the account.
      • Note: If there are any open sessions, the system will directly take you to the sales screen.
    • Use the search tools to quickly access the required sales session.
    • Click on ‘Advanced Search’ to access more professional search and filtering tools.
    • Click on ‘Sort By’ at the top of the list to change the session sorting method (creation date, staff, status, open date, close date).
    • Click on the 3 horizontal dots to the right of the session to display the available actions menu:
      • View: Displays the details of the sales session and shows its specific data. For more details, refer to the ‘View Sales Session Summary’ guide.
      • Sales Screen: This takes you to the sales screen specific to the session.
      • Close: Moves you to the actions for closing the open session.
      • Cash Movements: Displays a list of cash withdrawals or additions during the session.
      • Delete: Deletes the sales session from the account.
        • Note: The program does not allow deleting sales sessions that have any cash movements.