Managing POS Settings
- Select “POS” from the navigation menu.
- Select “POS Settings“.
- Click the card “General“.
- Adjust POS Settings as required.
- Default Client: Select the client account to be selected by default when opening a selling session using the drop-down menu.
- “Enable Num Pad“ Checkbox: Check to view an entry num pad on the sales screen while inputting purchase details.
- “Show Product Images“ Checkbox: Check to view the products with their pictures on the sales screen.
- For more information, please refer to the tutorial “Adding a product’s photo“.
- “Accounting System Per Invoice“ Checkbox: Check to adjust cash movements for each invoice separately instead of doing the accounting of the total invoices of each session in one cash movement.
- Checking the checkbox enables the following checkbox.
- “Allow Partial Payment” Checkbox: Check to enable partially paying the selling invoice/ receipt.
- Checking the checkbox enables the following checkbox.
- Enabled Payments: Select the payment method you wish to avail inside the sales screen using the drop-down menu, “Cash” is selected by default.
- Note that the payment methods displayed in the drop-down are based on your gateway activations within the account.
- For more information on activating payment gateways, please refer to the tutorials “Activating a Payment Gateway” and “Managing Payment Options“.
- Note that the payment methods displayed in the drop-down are based on your gateway activations within the account.
- “Enable Auto Adjustment” Checkbox: Check to enable automatic adjustment of the accounts in case of increases or deficits in the difference between the counted and expected cash upon sales session closing and validation.
- Profit Account: Select the account for adjustment in case there are increases using the drop-down menu.
- Losses Account: Select the account for adjustment in case there are deficits using the drop-down menu.
- Allowed Categories: Select the allowed products’ categories you wish to be displayed or purchased through the POS sales screen using the drop-down menu.
- Note that in case you wish for a certain product to be available for purchase on the POS sales screen, the product needs to be filed under a category that you can then include or exclude.
- For more information, please refer to the tutorials “Adding a Product” and “Creating a product Category“.
- Note that in case you wish for a certain product to be available for purchase on the POS sales screen, the product needs to be filed under a category that you can then include or exclude.
- All: To allow all categories to be displayed.
- All Expect: To select the categories you wish to exclude using the drop-down menu “Categories“; including the rest.
- Include Only: To select the categories you wish to include using the drop-down menu “Categories“; excluding the rest.
- Click “Save“.