Adding a Sales Period

  1. From the main menu, click on “Sales Target & Commissions”.
  2. Click on “Sales Periods”.
  3. Click on the “New Sales Period” button.
  4. Enter the sales period details as follows:
    • Date (From): Select the start date of the sales period from the calendar as desired.
    • Date (To): Select the end date of the sales period from the calendar as desired.
    • Rule Selection: When ticking this option, the sales period will be applied to a specific branch, department, designation, or specific commission rule, and you need to specify them as follows:
      • Branch: Select the branch to which the sales period will be applied from the dropdown menu.
      • Department: Select the department to which the sales period will be applied from the dropdown menu.
      • Designation: Select the designation to which the sales period will be applied from the dropdown menu.
      • Commission Rule: Select the commission rule to which the sales period will be applied from the dropdown menu.
    • Employee Selection: When selecting this option, the system allows you to specify specific employees regardless of their department or job title.
      • Employees: Select one or more employees to whom the sales period will be applied from the dropdown menu.
        • Note: the employee needs to be a “User” for you to be able to select them from that menu, for more info, check the Adding a User guide.
  5. Click the “Save” button.
  • Notes:
    • You cannot add more than one sales period for the same employee with the same start or end date.
    • You cannot add the same employee in overlapping sales periods.
      • For example: Employee “S” in two sales periods, the first starting on 1/2/2021 and ending on 1/3/2021, and the second starting on 15/2/2021 and ending on 15/3/2021.